Wednesday 7 August 2013

Fighting Can Help Your Marriage

Relationship Question: My husband and I fight a lot. Is it okay?

Relationship Advice:
Chances are you're fine. You know those annoying couples who never fight? Turns out they're 35 percent more likely to split within four years than couples who regularly disagree. Apparently, arguing helps avoid that "angry on the inside" phenomenon that can lead to bigger problems. So, that fight last week over who didn't replace the toilet paper might have been totally good for your relationship.

That said, if you're having serious relationship questions or are feeling like ALL you do is fight, that's not healthy either. What matters most is the way you and your husband work through marriage conflicts.

Here are some relationship tips on how to fight fair:

1. See Your Husband's Point-of-View: You don't have to agree with him, but at least try to see things from his perspective and acknowledge his feelings. 
2. It's Not About Winning: It's about working out marriage conflicts. Who cares if you're right if you end up alone? 
3. It's Not All About You: Your husband may be stressed at work or is just having a bad day. He might be picking a fight just because he's feeling down. 
4. Tackle One Issue At a Time: Don't start bringing up relationship problems that you've had in the past. Stick to the topic at hand. 
5. Skip the Name-Calling: You're not 10-years-old. Treat your husband with the same respect you'd like him to treat you. 
6. Accept Differences: Sometimes you've just got to agree to disagree and let the subject drop. 
7. Forgive: The most important thing is that you acknowledge that you're committed to the relationship—despite its problems. Let your husband know that you love him and accept him—despite all of his faults!


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